Posts by Tag: calculations
Semitone Interval Calculator
Intervals between frequencies
Reference-Charts, Flute-Making-Tools Jun 17 2018
An interval is the difference between two musical notes: the distance between two frequencies, often expressed in semitones (or cents). The below tool calculates the exact number of semitones between any two given frequencies, or, given a frequency and an interval, will calculate the note required to achieve that interval. Some facts: A semitone is equal to 100 cents. The twelve-tone equal temperament scale divides an octave into 12 semitones (of 100 cents each). A theoretical model of an equidistant heptatonic scale, where all the intervals of the seven-note scale were perfectly equal, would result in an interval of 1.714 semitones each (171.4 cents).
Flute Calculations Tool
for a Three-hole Fulani flute
Flute-Making-Tools, Articles Jun 19 2015
The most common question I get about making flutes is, “How do you know where to drill the finger holes?” Here is the “electronic worksheet” along with tools and charts I’ve developed over the course of my flute-making journey, to aid in the calculation of tonehole placement for a 3-hole Fulani Flute made from uniform diameter tube.