Posts by Month: March 2015

Frequencies & Wavelengths of Musical Notes

Reference Chart

Resources, Reference-Charts Mar 17 2015

Instrument builders and technicians often need to do calculations that require knowing the frequency and/or wavelength of certain notes. The following table shows the frequencies of all the notes of a standard piano, to a thousandth of a hertz. I generated this table using a script I wrote in PHP. I’ve also published the underlying PHP array as a Gist on GitHub, that is freely available for use in your own website or project. Get it here.

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PHP Array of Musical Frequencies

Musical Notes to Frequency Table

Resources, Reference-Charts Mar 16 2015

Recently, I came across the need to reference a chart of musical notes and their frequencies, for the purpose of calculating the wavelengths of certain notes, and realized there wasn’t a great tool out there to do this automatically. So, I created a multi-dimensional PHP array so that I could access this data, loop through it, and make whatever calculations I needed to. Below is the resulting Gist, and it is available to use freely in your own projects. I used this PHP array to generate a handy reference table of musical frequencies and wavelengths, available here. More info about the topic of Musical Frequencies at this Wikipedia entry.

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