Posts by Category: Articles
Toneholes and Tradition
How a 40,000 year old flute leveled the playing field
Articles, Anthropology Apr 7 2016
Sometime between 40,000 and 45,000 years ago, a group of early humans on a migration route out of Africa, along the corridor of the Danube River valley, carried with them a small but significant object: a flute. Carved from the bone of a griffon vulture, with…
Flute Calculations Tool
for a Three-hole Fulani flute
Flute-Making-Tools, Articles Jun 19 2015
The most common question I get about making flutes is, “How do you know where to drill the finger holes?” Here is the “electronic worksheet” along with tools and charts I’ve developed over the course of my flute-making journey, to aid in the calculation of tonehole placement for a 3-hole Fulani Flute made from uniform diameter tube.